Crude palm kernel oil contains minor components that impart unique nutritional properties. The most relevant are tocopherols and tocotrienols (vitamin E) and carotenoids (α‐ and β‐carotene) – responsible for red colours.
Palm oil is generally refined by the physical process, in contrast to the chemical process (which is preferred) since high acidity (up to 5%) can lead to excessive loss of neutral oils in the soap-stock after alkali neutralisation.
Neutralisation is the second process in vegetable oil refining, which commences after the completion of de-gumming. The feedstock is taken into the neutralisers where the heating temperature is kept between 55 to 70C depending on the quality of the crude oil.
The oil is constantly agitated to maintain uniformity.
The main purpose of neutralisation is to remove the Free Fatty Acids present inside the crude vegetable oils. In chemical refining, an alkali is used to neutralise the FFA and to remove the oil acidity.
Product Highlights
The OPTISWIRL 4200 vortex flow meter is the ideal instrument to measure and control the steam flows, and consumption; it can measure saturated and superheated steam. The 4200 is an all-in-one solution with integrated temperature and pressure measurement – which even allows an exact measurement of superheated steam, even in varying process conditions. The vortex meter can measure both the volumetric and the mass flow of steam. The additional integrated gross and net heat measurement makes this flowmeter a reliable partner for advanced energy management systems.